Thursday 2 March 2017

Groundhog Day

Thursday 2nd March

Kia Orana!

Greetings from the tropical Cook Islands.  

We have arrived safely after a little bumpy 3.5 hour flight and we have already enjoyed dips in the lagoon and the swimming pool.  The hotel is on the beach front with kayaks, paddle boards and snorkelling gear for the residents. I have tried a paddle board for the first time and the best I can say is that I didn't fall off!  Progress was 'stately' with the breeze offering more power than I did. The lagoon is, apparently, teaming with fish and we will try the masks and snorkells tomorrow.  It has a lovely view with a few offshore islands and then the surf of the reef.

Rarotonga International Airport is about the size of a large school sports centre and very quaint with it.  We linked in with our transfer bus and we were given a bottle of cold water and a garland of fresh, fragrant flowers was hung around our necks!  We have images to prove it but the hotel has a computer but limited wifi so I have opted for the former tonight.  Our room is also covered in fresh tropical flowers with even a hibiscus flower on top of the loo roll.  

The island we are on is difficult to describe but first impressions were of happy people and lots of enormous graves - some in people's gardens!  The island is not rich and pristine but it is not back in time either.   I think we will have a better idea in a few days' time.  The road runs around the perimeter of the island and there is a clockwise bus and an anticlockwise bus!  We can use that to explore or the big thing seems to be hiring scooters to make the round trip (it is only about 30km for the complete circuit) - OF1 is keen on this option but it is a long time since I owned and drove my own Honda 50. However, the speed limit is just above walking pace and the main dangers seem to be dogs and chickens in the road.  Lots of fun and relaxation to be had by both of us with the emphasis on the latter. 

The most amazing thing is that we have had the 2nd of March twice!  Yesterday when I wrote the blog it was Thursday 2nd in Auckland and today (24 hours later) in Rarotonga it is the 2nd of March.  We are now 10 hours behind the UK instead of being 13 hours in front. If I wasn't confused before I left, I will be when I return!

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