Wednesday 22 March 2017

Reflections on the trip

Back home safe and sound after 36 hours of travelling over half way around the earth (it is shorter to go via the USA from the Cook Islands but our schedule and the airlines did not match - don't they know who we are?!).  It was 36 hours worth forgetting as there are only so many films and so much airline food a man can take.  Not to mention the innumerable time lines and the international date line again which gives you jet-lag times 24 hours.

So some reflections on New Zealand and the trip.

  1. The New Zealanders are glass half-full folk (in contrast to the UK) and very proud of their country and heritage, albeit a short one.
  2. The roads are fantastic, except Auckland, despite the 60 mph speed limit. There is always plenty to see on a road trip.
  3. The Department of Conservation walks are superb - well graded, clearly marked and good information.
  4. The TV is awful!
  5. The towns look like something out of the wild west but are full of independent shops.
  6. The motels were a bonus for the traveller - very good accommodation with the option of self catering.
  7. The Cook Islands are great places to relax amongst the palm trees on beautiful sandy beaches.  The islands are friendly, safe and laid-back - "island time" says it all.  Kia Orana!

People always ask about the best bits but this has proved the impossible question.  Each day was great and we were blessed with odds-defying weather. Seven and half weeks and only two half days of rain is a freak result in anyone's book. 

Would we go again?  Like a shot.  

Are we going again? No - there are too many other places that are on the Old Farts' list.  

Watch this space.....

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