Wednesday 25 January 2017

Auckland at last

Tuesday was spent travelling - taxi, plane and bus - from Singapore to Auckland.  We were lucky to have been allocated seats near an exit so we had oodles of leg room. Flight uneventful but customs in Auckland was quite exciting. We queued for ages as all visitors luggage was searched.  As son #1 ( in age) had warned us it was our walking boots that were of interest and it was lucky that I had scrubbed them before travelling.  It seems that NZ has very strict biodiversity laws.  We then waited 35 minutes for the bus to take us to the hotel - we finally staggered in at 02.20am!!!


We woke at 7am (I was surprised too) and off at 9am with Steve and Sylvie to the port area of Auckland.  This has all been done up and is rather nice with lots of bars and restaurants lining the waterfront.  After stocking up for lunch we took the ferry to one of the many islands that are to be found in the bay. 

Rangitoto is an extinct volocano only about 600 years old.  The walk up its 260m crater is easy going and absolutely fascinating.  There is a wealth of flora on the island and some bare areas of pyroclastic flow that are yet to be colonised.  Luckily, Steve knew the names of all the trees and birds so it was like a walk with David Attenborough!  On the way up we explored the lava caves - I, of course, bumped my head on the very sharp rock which resulted in a small flesh wound.  At the top we were rewarded with superb views into the crater and for miles around - back towards Auckland and around the many islands.  We scooted down for lunch on the beach then a tramp back to the ferry along the shore track.

A quick shower and we were out (in pouring rain) to a restaurant overlooking the bay.  We were joined by Steve's son Chris (and partener Rachel) who is a probation officer.  A jolly good time was had by all and the food was delicious.  I had enormous green lip muscles in a delicious tomato and garlic sauce followed by a rack of lamb - nice and pink it just melted in the mouth.  OF1 stated with Halloumi followed by belly pork.


Our central Auckland residence is a serviced apartment so we have been  using the washing machine and making our own toast  - the first time we haven't eaten out for breakfast

Today we had a real treat.  Steve took us out in his speed boat to the island of Waiheke which was about 40 minutes or so away (we were doing around 45kph for most of the time).  It was exhilerating and I was on the very wet side (drenched).  We had coffee in the semi-tropical beach resort of Oneroa before moving on to Palm Beach for lunch. Both of these involved wading ashore 10-20 m from the shore.  However, Steve took the boat back out and then swum to the shore!  The beaches were out of a travel magazine and many, many pictures were taken. 

After lunch OF1 and I had a walk up the cliff for a better picture which meant a stroll through the nudist beach!  Sylvie, who is fourteen, was disgusted and turned back for an ice cream.  I must admit that all the naturists of both genders were over 60 and she had a point but everyone to their own.  The short climb was well worth it and another 20 images were 'in the can'.  On the way down the very steep cliff there were lots of luxury houses - including one with a funicular up to the front door.

It was choppy on the return trip and we were bounced around as it zoomed up the waves and thumped in to the troughs.  Wet, salty, wind blasted we had a great expedition.  It is funny that however conscious you are about applying sun cream you always miss a bit.  My forehead was well protected but my thinning silver locks did not protect the top of my head and OF1 forgot her feet which have turned an interesting shade of pink.

After a scrub down we had dinner on the now trendy quayside of Auckland.  We both had foosh which is used as in the foosh and chips we both had (actually we had fries as chips are crisps) which we hope was hauled out the sea that day.  The other example of divided by the English language has been beery in raspbeery or blackbeery.  I am sure I will ask for more translations during the next few weeks.

A super day and we were exhausted but happy.

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