Saturday 21 January 2017

Lift Off

Well there's no going back....

We are in the air on an enormous Airbus and currently travelling at 580mph over Eastern Europe - only 6000 miles to go!.

OF1 decided to charge her phone early this morning and on the way to Heathrow realised that it was still charging!  We only hope that is the only thing we have left behind. 

I had an English breakfast at Heathrow to say goodbye to the home land.  OF1 went for a pre Brexit​ croissant as she is a true European (actually that's not true...... she just likes croissants).  When we return we may (well Teresa May may) have triggered Article 50 and Donald Trump may still be president.....  However, I will not be expecting Gillingham's inexorable slide into division two to have halted; pessimists are never disappointed.

Our Air Singapore plane is lovely with plenty of leg room (even for a big fat six footer like me!).  However, air travel does bring home our hierarchical society as the first class swan through the gate whilst mere mortals queue.  The lunch was delicious but the stamp 'economy' on the front made you wonder what the upper deck were having and put us firmly in our place.

After all the indiscision regarding whether to bring travel wash it turns out that packing it was inspired - I have spilt fish curry down my shirt. OF1 then excelled herself by not being able to get out of the plane toilet.  I could see the doors bulging to near breaking point as she shoved and shoved them.  I had to intervene to avoid a major breakage by telling her to pull not push.  Never a dull moment!

Writing this in flight connected to wi-fi is remarkable (as we fly over Bucharest) and the next update should be from Singapore.

Time for a kip as I dream about the mine hours or so that have disappeared as we travel eastward.  TTFN


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