Sunday 26 February 2017

Death's Corner

Monday 27th February

Reporting in from Arthur's Pass.  We are in a rather quaint motel on the outskirts of the small village.  Unlike the very sterile apartment in Tekapo this has some real character.  Firstly it is built in the traditional wood and corrugated iron roof style and secondly it is cozy. 

Yesterday we had a bit of a slob day.  We spent the morning in Tekapo drinking coffee and battling the super slow wi-fi.  However, it was nice sitting in the sun overlooking the turquoise lake.  In the afternoon we read and/or painted (the latter went very belly up) before stirring our bones for another visit to the Astro Café at the top of Mount John for yet more stunning views, tea and carrot cake.  The cake was delicious but more a carrot/Christmas pudding cake.  We then went into tourist overdrive and perused the tiny chapel - Church of the Good Shepherd - on the lake shore.  We cooked a salmon, chilli, penne dish and ate it watching the rugby, first Wales v Scotland then the Ireland and France match - we know how to live! (NZ TV is absolutely awful and this was one of the few times we had Sky TV, so we made the most of it).

Last night was a starry one (Tekapo is famous for its dark sky, hence the observatory) and the morning dawned chilly but cloudless and windless - a perfect day.  I know I keep going on about the travelling but yet again we were treated to an amazing drive today.  We lunched at Castle Hill and walked around the massive lumps of limestone which give a castellated look to the hill.  We then continued to a little beyond Arthur's Pass to the Otira Lookout and Death's Corner - you will be pleased to hear that we escaped with our lives and a couple of photos. 

We are now off to the Wobbly Kea for a pizza.  We are yet to meet the parrot like kea which apparently likes to take your belongings, food, etc.  We are also in kiwi country so Kivin is rather excited.......

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