Wednesday 15 February 2017

The snow capped Southern Alps

Friday 16th February

We woke up to blue skies and sunshine.  OF1 was especially bright eyed and bushy tailed and dragged me kicking and screaming out of a nice warm bed to 'go and see the view'. 

We drove out of the township to a view point just 10km away and the panorama of the snow capped Southern Alps was worth it.  It was a little unfortunate in that we are in the west of the country so we were looking into the rising sun.  However, the early morning sun was lovely but it did see my lightweight down jacket in action for the first time with the temperature about 8°C.  OF1s cunning plan continued with breakfast at Lake Matheson which had sensational views of the mountains which looked even better whilst tucking into eggs on toast with beans and hash browns, all washed down with a coffee.  OF1 was very abstemious and just had the coffee.

We then enjoyed the 4.5km walk around the lake which had viewpoints such as 'lookout', 'jetty view', 'reflection point' and, my favourite, 'view of views'. We both took masses of images, trying for that iconic picture of snow covered mountains reflected in the lake - it's in the can.  The walk passed through podocarp forest so there was dappled shade, mossy banks, ferns and lakeside plants.  It was extremely worthwhile and the path ended back at the café!   We have decided to revisit the café this evening (it becomes an award winning restaurant for dinner) and, hopefully, watch the sunset.

This afternoon, I stayed at the ranch painting and writing whilst OF1 was off again.  She walked up the valley to the snout of the Fox Glacier and returned bubbling with enthusiasm for all things glacial (L1 better watch out for his job!!).  It is relaxing sitting outside in the sun in the mountains.

Back to the painting.  Vincent van G.

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