Friday 3 February 2017

"Let's have a day to recharge the batteries......"

We decided last night to have a day of leisure today - coffee in town then a meander to the Huka Falls after which we would saunter home, go for run, read on the beach, etc.  The first bit went to plan with a pleasant 1.5 km lake shore stroll into Taupo where we looked at the harbour, the shops, etc before having another coffee al fresco.  Goods are not cheap in New Zealand; we went into an outdoor shop and walking stuff was as expensive, if not more so, than UK.  The only difference was that you could also buy a gun!!!   Kiwis are keen on hunting and fishing  - the lake apparently has masses of trout waiting to be lured into the frying pan.

Now, there is an army phrase PPPPPPP - the seven P's.  I have quoted the mantra, "pathetically poor planning produces pathetically poor performance" to the boys often enough.  (actually the army may just use another word beginning with P than the one I've used).  Well, the map I was using showed the Huka Falls about twice the distance from motel to town, hence my assumption of a nice down river stroll carrying our delicious packed lunch.  The map had no scale but I thought the calculations were reasonable.  To cut a long story short we are now back in our motel having tramped 16km in the burning heat and are now rehydrating and applying after sun.  Our knees are a little sore and the idea of going for a run is out the window.

However, it was a good walk - after we were leeward of the town's sewage works.  The track followed the river bank then up over a cliff where there was a bungee jump - no one silly enough to do it.  We then descended through a park to where a hot spring joins the river and lots of folk were there just luxuriating.  However, we were on a mission and 45 minutes of fast undulating walking brought us to the falls.  Here the Waikato river is squeezed into a narrow gorge. Thus the bright blue water accelerates like Lewis Hamilton in an azure blue and white foam and a roar that can be heard a long way down the track.

We slavered more suntan cream on and hit the homeward trail.  It was comforting to meet a hot and sweaty couple from Northern England who had also fallen for the "not to scale" ploy but still had 3+ km to the falls and back then 8 km back to Taupo.  "Bloody Hell" was his summary of the cartographic accuracy of the 'around Taupo' map.  We stopped at the Bungee jumping as there was a little cafe with a fridge full of cold drinks AND we got to see two mad folk jump off!

After four mugs of tea with dunked ginger bickies and a shower it was .....  beer o'clock!  Cheers.

ps     today's photo shows the tragic effect that sun, dehydration and overexertion can have on an OF

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