Wednesday 22 February 2017

Pain in the Arse

And OF1's neck and my knee!  The 30km bike ride has been successfully completed and we are in recovery - vin rouge et bier seems the ideal combination of substance abuse.

Horror upon horror this morning.....,RAIN!!!!   We have been so used to travelling in our own hot sunshine bubble that we were totally discombobulated.  However, we reported to the pick up in plenty of time.  Well, that's my version, OF1 was not happy with my over enthusiasm and 20 minute wait.  Our driver was the fantastic Dan who drove us to the start via a few key points, set up the bikes and fully briefed us.  I only got upset when he told us (6 cyclists but we went at our own pace and two were on a different route) that maps were only squiggly lines!!!

In cloudy weather we set off from Lake Hawea with our super mountain bikes whizzing (no,  pottering would be a more accurate description).  The first half was around the lake then down the river on a good gravel path.  The colour of the water continues to amaze us - so blue.  At half way there was a little, local café to perk up the legs (and other sore bits) which not only served a damm fine coffee but also a first-class warm, homemade cheese scone.  There was a short, sharp rain event whilst we were quaffing our caffeine so we dragged it out until it had passed. 

The second half was down the Clutha River (it had cut through the glacial deposits to reveal a huge incredible bank - I have pictures for L1 to interpret) and then round the lake shore - this one was Lake Wanaka.  This was a great, but surprisingly undulating, ride with views of the water and the mountains which were slowly emerging as the sun began to shine.  With 2km to go OF1 bonked - the cyclists equivalent of a marathon runner hitting the wall - as her energy levels plummeted.  However, we made it to the wonderfully and accurately described, 'tree in the lake' for our packed lunch before returning the bikes.

Mid afternoon found us on the road again.  We left Wanaka and passed over the tussock grass moorland of the Lindis Pass which was spectacular.  We then drove to Twizel (and did a couple of U turns!) before driving up the valley to Mount Cook Village. The view improving with every kilometre

Our motel is very upmarket (thanks L1) and has amazing views of the snow covered mountains.  As it was late we dived into the next door place which is a sort of weatherspoons in a vague sort of way.  Still it was a rumbustious place full of young folk, beer and chips. The food was good and we found a table overlooking the mountains which finished with pink tops as the sun slowly set.  If clear, the dawn should be a jaffa.

We are now planning the next two days of walking as our sunny bubble seems to have returned.  There are, however, a couple of flies in our ointment.  We assumed that Mount Cook Village would be similar to Fox Glacier Township.  However, it seems to be just accommodation and no bank - we only have $40 cash (or quiche) - or food shop (very little in our reserves for breakfast or lunch).  Hmmm....,back to  PPPPPPP again....

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