Monday 27 February 2017

Great Scott!

Tuesday 28th  February

We have completed our last day of tramping in NZ (see I'm talking like a kiwi) and it was another goodun.  We decided to go up the Scott's Track towards Avalanche Summit.  The whole route climbs 1100m in just 2.5 kilometres so that is an average gradient of 1:2.5 or in layman's language, ****** steep!  Actually, it was a cracking walk through the beech forest up a waymarked path and we met very few people all day.  It was a steep, rocky path with bits of minor scrambling to ensure the gradient was unrelenting.  As you made altitude at a rate of knots so the vistas opened out (and the lungs and heart were in overdrive). First there were views of the valley below with our car just below us but looking like a toy then opposite were the magnificent Devil's Punchbowl Falls (geography note: falling from a hanging valley).  We started in mossy beech forest which had that wonderful mouldy  smell but with increasing altitude the trees became smaller and covered in a lacework of lichen with grasses and sedges.  The first objective was to break through the treeline which the lady who runs the motel told me had stupendous views - she was not wrong!  We could see for miles and miles (good song that one!) with deep U-shaped valleys and high mountains (another good song: river deep mountain high).  We continued up the ridge which was marked with poles as there were no trees and the lack of vegetation exposed the route up to the summit - a thin ridge walk.  I continued for a bit but my fear of heights kicked in (it seems to have become more acute recently) and I opted for a return.  OF1 was very kind as I sat down and said I wasn't sure if I could go any further up or down!  However, slowly down the ridge we went (I tried to just look at my feet) until we were back in the trees again - whew.  Lunch was enjoyed looking over the valley before we made our way back down thinking only insane people would walk up this thing! On that note it would be a great short run for L1 when he visits next month!!!! It was quite a relief to finish the knee jarring descent and regain the valley floor.

Not content with taking an album of pictures of the Devil's Punchbowl Falls from across the valley, we decided to walk up to the bottom of them.  '1km and 30 minutes' the board proclaimed.  We thought we could do one kilometre in less than half an hour but what the board didn't tell you was the hundreds of steps (up and down)  that were contained in just 1000m.  Somehow after our 700m descent our legs would not go up steps any more. OF1 found a nice spot to sit and look at the view whilst I was in the vanguard of the party and completed my 'walk to the falls' badge.  A very spectacular waterfall but it must be even better in spring or after heavy rain.

We were not finished and walked another couple of kms to the Bealey Gorge (yet more steps), 'Jack's Hut' - one of the original huts for those who kept a stretch of road open - and then the Wobbly Kea for a drink in their shady garden but still no kea sighted).  Then back to the ranch for a scrub down and rehydrate.

Another golden summer's day, in fact the NZ  autumn season starts tomorrow!  We are driving to Christchurch...

Just off to the Wobbly Kea for dinner  (we do like it but it is also the only place that serves evening meals in this tiny place and shuts at 8pm!) ......

Just spoken to the owner of our motel and discovered that the population of Arthur's Pass is a mere 30.

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